Authority Partners Podcast
OK, everyone knows that #APKnowsIT. Our global team of 500+ geeks, who work globally on five continents, across 30+ countries, are #CreatingExcellence every day. We want to share our excellence with the IT community. We aim to educate, inspire, and motivate IT, professionals, worldwide.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the podcasts are the speaker’s own and do not reflect the view of Authority Partners. ® AP 1998 - 2023
Authority Partners Podcast
Ena Durmisevic, Topic: ‘Scrum + DevOps, Better Together?’
In today’s world, companies strive to achieve a blend of technology and business by supporting cross-functional and business-oriented teams in working together to deliver a piece of software.
But, that kind of organizational change will not make a difference unless the value that these teams are delivering is understood, measured, and reported transparently. But how do we achieve this?
Professionals usually ask: ‘Which one should we use, Scrum or DevOps?’. Does it really need to be a single-choice option, or we can do both?
We are excited to explore how to combine elements of both to create information technology excellence. Our guest is a professional in this field - Ena Durmisevic, Senior Account Manager at AP.
Ena manages one of the largest accounts at Authority Partners, with multiple cross-functional teams of 100+ consultants. She holds a Master’s degree in Management, Information Systems, and Innovation from the London School of Economics, and she is a Certified Information Systems Auditor with Scrum certifications.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this podcast are the speaker’s own and do not reflect the view of Authority Partners.